Acknowledging that we all have God given dignity and are poor and broken in various ways, Harbor Presbyterian Church exists to celebrate the riches of Christ's restoring grace and to make disciples who partner in God's ongoing work


Connect With harbor presbyterian church

  • gathered worship

    celebrating the riches of christ's restoring grace

    Conveniently located near Downtown Elizabeth City

    We meet on Sunday mornings at 10am

    801 Riverside Ave.

    Nursery provided for ages 0-3

  • community groups

    sharing our lives and the gospel

    Our community groups are located all throughout the greater Elizabeth City area. All of our groups meet on the Lord's Day from September to May, either over lunch or dinner in homes. Everyone brings food to share. We eat together, discuss the sermon together and pray together. Contact us for more info.

  • our denomination

    Presbyterian Church in America

    Harbor Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).  The PCA was formed in 1973 and consists of over 1800 churches in the United States alone. We are part of the Tidewater Presbytery, which consists of 15 churches in our local area.

  • what we believe

    The Westminster Confession of Faith is a historic summary of what we believe the Scriptures to teach. We don't hold the Westminster Confession over the Bible or even alongside the Bible, but it is always subordinate to the Bible, explaining the theology that the Bible teaches.